copyright by Carrie Hayes

A Thanksgiving Prayer

Carrie Hayes
2 min readNov 19, 2021


O Divine Power, whose presence we can only imagine

This is just to say, that despite the incessant shit show surrounding us, that as the seasons change, it is still beautiful here.

Thank you for reminding us that Nature will win out whether we destroy the planet or no- And thank you for reminding us that there are still random acts of kindness and laughter in unexpected places.

All we need to do is to remember we’re alive. To give thanks to and for one another. And thank you for reminding us, should we forget, somewhere along the way, a few helpful pointers:

  1. Eating people is wrong.
  2. Offer your neighbor whatever looks delicious before you serve yourself.
  3. When asked, always affirm that the turkey is moist, no matter what.
  4. Those with opposing views have a right to be wrong, at least during mealtime.
  5. If someone at table does something unforgivable, simply refer to the four rules above.

Sometimes it is tricky and sometimes near impossible…

copyright: Carrie Hayes

There will be at least one anti vaxxer at my house this year, as well as one Trump enthusiast, if not two. I can’t abide the NFL, and yet, it will be on all afternoon. Despite these pesky details, I do believe our life is damn well close to perfect- or at least it is for the moment.

Take a breath, step outside, look around. We’re lucky that we made it this far. Give thanks and pass the gravy. Amen.

copyright: Carrie Hayes



Carrie Hayes
Carrie Hayes

Written by Carrie Hayes

writes historical fiction and is the host of the podcast Angry Dead Women.

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